Hello friends!
On Sunday, September 25, 2022, I’m having a live Bon Voyage Party on YouTube to celebrate the conclusion of the Galaxy Cruise series.
I’ll do a reading from Galaxy Cruise, then we’ll do a live Q&A with some of my author pals, who will also be giving away prizes.
Joining me will be:
S.C. Jensen: https://www.scjensen.com
– Author of the fun cyber-noir series Bubbles in Space
– She will be giving away two audiobooks from her series
C.P. James: https://www.cpjames.com
– Author of the funny, fast-paced space adventure series, Reassembly
– He will be giving away audiobooks of the first two titles in his series
Jill Cooper: https://www.aeon14.com
– Author of many sci-fi, fantasy, and author-help books
– She will be giving away an ebook of Fire in the Night Sky
And I’ll be giving away TWO complete sets of Galaxy Cruise paperbacks (including the elusive Galaxy Cruise: Language Barrier), as well as an audiobook of Galaxy Cruise: The Maiden Voyage.
The party starts at 4 PM Pacific/7PM Eastern, or whatever time that is where you are. Show up ready to ask some questions, answer some trivia questions, and win some prizes!
Here’s the YouTube link
See you Sunday! 😀